Ultimate Ice Cream Hack
My three favorite foods are cheese, bacon, and ice cream; in no particular order. When I’m trying to be creative but taking the easy way out, I love to take vanilla ice cream and hack it to create my very own flavor. Not only is it DELICIOUS and EASY, but it makes you feel really cool.
And yes, each recipe listed here includes a homemade magic shell, because my fondest childhood memories include drizzling that stuff on everything. Who doesn’t love the magic of chocolate and science?!
Enjoy the sweet serendipity of transforming your ice cream, and let me know in the comments about any other epic ice cream hacks you would like to see!
I love coffee. I love chocolate. I love mint.
Strawberries and cream is a classic, but how about strawberries COOKIES and cream?!?
Imagine a Bounty Bar, but better, in ice cream form. This is it friends.