How to Wash Dirty Herbs

Herbs can be dirty: covered in lots of evidence of the farm they grew up on (we’re talking dirt, sand, and sometimes some bugs) SO it’s really important that you give them a good wash before using them to cook. 

I completely submerge my herbs into water so that all the dirt falls off into the water. Similar to if you had sand on your body and you walked into the ocean or pool, the sand falls right off and sinks to the bottom. I like to do this a few times, taking the herbs out, and using fresh water each time. If you don’t use fresh water you will be dunking your herbs back into dirty water, which defeats the purpose of washing them for a second time.

But wait! You don’t need to wash herbs that are bought packaged. Typically, the brand will wash them for you, but always check to make sure. Normally I only wash herbs that tend to be more sandy like basil, cilantro, parsley and dill.


  • Fill medium bowl with cold water

  • Submerge herbs completely into the water and shake

  • Remove herbs from water and dry on a paper towel

  • Refill bowl with fresh water and repeat

Now that you have clean herbs, the world is your oyster and I know you’re ready to make some kick-ass meals. Show me what you’re making by tagging me @elenabesser on Instagram!

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